Inspired Landscapes In The Studio, Investigating InkCome Make With MeMarch 27, 2018landscape, artist, landscape artist, painting, paint, painter, lisa mcshane Comments
Brush Lettering with LabColors In The Studio, Investigating InkCome Make With MeMarch 9, 2018watercolors, diy watercolors, labcolors, brushlettering, brush lettering Comment
Crafting Together In The Studio, Investigating InkCome Make With MeMarch 6, 2018mugs, diy, diy mugs, sharpie, sharpie mugsComment
A Lettering Journey In The Studio, Investigating InkCome Make With MeFebruary 28, 2018handlettering, calligraphy, learning, learning to handletter, letter, letteringComment
Stamping Grounds Investigating Ink, In The StudioCome Make With MeFebruary 27, 2018stamps, diy stamps, prints, printmakingComment